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E-Book of essntials & inspiration for lightpads or boxes

E-Book of essntials & inspiration for lightpads or boxes


There are 19 pages jammed packed with resources you can use on a lightpad or box, photos of invitations with the resources (for storytelling and ephemeral art) AND a grid of other books & ephemeral art you could use the resources with.


You will be inspired and ready to use items you never dreamed of on your lighpad or box.


The e-book link will be on the THANK YOU page and you have 30 days to download it


P.S. books not included


OR you may want to get all the mini-course and HERE it is $$15


In the mini-course  you get this e-book +  5 video lessons jam packed with 'how to's' - inspiration and a workbook and story & art invitations print and use straight away.

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