Bringing a Story to Life in 7 Days
Sarah had tried a story basket and also sharing resources she made with the children in her early childhood setting but had stopped as the children were not respecting the resources and ‘trashing’ them.
Rather than give up she decided to invest in the 7 day challenge. She couldn’t believe how well the story basket went after doing the challenge. The children were engaged, they worked together with a child offering to ‘read’ the story and others playing with the resources as the story was told.
All she did was watch the videos, follow the steps, make a story basket, and then the magic happened! The children joined in and they were all immersed in play while developing their language, literacy and cognitive skills! Their love for the story was brought to life and now they want to share books in a story basket all of the time!
You can create story baskets too and I’ll show you how!
In this 7 day challenge you will make a story basket and share it with children in 7 days.
7 day challenge -
Make a story basket and share it in 7 days
Join me and others on the 18th of June 2022 as I show you how to make story baskets for children and share them successfully!
The best part, the challenge only takes around 10 minutes per day!
In the 7 day challenge you will make a story basket and share it with children for only $15.
Making or sharing a story basket may feel overwhelming or you may need motivation. Maybe you don’t know where to start, what book to use, where to find materials or how to share one with children. I tackle all these possible barriers and MORE
Michelle Anderson
Hi! I’m Michelle Anderson from This is Why I and I have been teaching in early childhood for 25+ years.
I can't wait to share with you my secrets for keeping children engaged and interested in books.
In this challenge, I will share my secrets to creating story baskets in a simple and fun way AND how to introduce them to children.
I will support and cheer you on as you create your own story basket to share with the children in your early childhood setting.
After one week, you will be amazed at what you created and shared with children!
What you will get:
Step by step directions on how to make a story basket.
Workbook & BONUS day.
Daily videos that require action BUT offer motivation and inspiration.
A variety of ways to share your story basket.
A list of essential items to have for story baskets and how to store them.
Help directly from me as I share my secrets to making and sharing story baskets.
Access to a private Facebook group where you will receive daily videos and a workbook.
A private Facebook group community where we will cheer each other on, answer questions and share our story baskets.
Everything you need to successfully MAKE and SHARE a story basket in 7 days (and in the future)!
BONUS of doing the challenge every time it is offered
You won’t want to miss out!
Next challenge 18th June 2022 and you will be added to the group 4 days before.
I can’t wait to meet you and see your story basket!